Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Andy's Video Game Blog

What's up guys & gals? Andy here. Sorry that I wasn't being that specific when I talked about the water element last week. So today let's talk Fire! I have 4 fire skylanders. It's really cool to have fire skylanders so you can roast your enemies! Heh. So the trap holds four villains, chef pepper jack, smoke scream, grinnade, and scrap shooter. Alright time for me bounce out. Later Gators.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Andy's Video Game Blog

What's up guys & gals? Andy here. So, if you've read my last post I was talking Skylanders: Trap Team and I said I'd be talking about the elements. So let's start with Water. I've got two water skylanders, and the trap carries six villains. The Gulper, Slobber Trap, Chill Bill, Brawl & Chain, Cross Crow, and Threatpack. Well guys & gals I gotta bounce out. Later Gators.

P.S. I forgot to mention some of these posts will be short. Sorry.

Monday, April 6, 2015

Andy's Video Game Blog

What's up guys & gals? Andy here. Skylanders: Trap Team, rated A for AMAZING!!! Did you guys know that I have ALL the elemental traps?!? Well almost all of them. Speaking of the elements, there are 10 of them. Fire, Air, Life, Water, Earth, Undead, Tech, Magic, and two new ones Light and Dark. So for the next 10 weeks I'm gonna be telling you about them, so check back once a week. Later Gators.

P.S. Sorry this post in kinda short.