Thursday, March 19, 2015

Andy's Video Game Blog

What's up guys & gals? Andy here. So this is my first time with a blogging, and it's really exiting! Now let's talk Batman: Arkham Knight. Most of you might already know a lot about it, but here's the lowdown for those of you who have not heard. So The Dark Knight himself, sure you know he's dark, brooding, and always fighting crime. But, in this game he gets a sweet new suit, awesome new gadgets, and best of all, he has a brand new off the hook Batmobile! It has 2 new modes! #1: Pursuit mode. It drives around looking for crime. Basically classic batmobile. #2: Battle mode! it's got all types of weapons! A machine gun on top, battering ram up front (I don't know that for sure.), and a laser guided GPS missile barrage! Well guys that's all I've got today. Later Gators.

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