Friday, March 20, 2015

Andy's Video Game Blog

What's up guys and gals? Andy here. So last time I told you about Batman: Arkham Knight. Today I'm gonna be blabbing about LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham. So, you guys have probably played LEGO Batman and LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes, with all the suit switchers and stuff. But LEGO Batman 3 takes it ALL to a WHOLE...NEW...LEVEL! In the first two games only Batman & Robin could switch suits, and there were no big figures. The third game on the other hand, DOES have big figures, and three characters can switch suits! The other three characters are, The Joker, Lex Luthor, and Cyborg. Killer Croc , Sloloman Grundy, even one of Cyborg & Luthor's suits are big figures! And I'm only naming a few get the game yourself to find out more! All right guys I gotta bounce. My dads making pizza for dinner cause it's Friday. Later Gators.

P.S. I gave my friends from school the web address for my blog. I just wanted to say hi to them.

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